Monday, March 02, 2009

Visit with Myrtle Bernice

My dear friend P has nicknamed me Bettina Matilda. Why? I don't know. I decided she needed one too. I had come up with George, but that one didn't seem right. So I used the same initials as my nickname. And came up with Bernice Myrtle. However Myrtle Bernice flowed better, so that is what has stuck. And more importantly, she approves.

After the seminar, Gary took a train back home, while I drove to Myrtle's house. We had a slumber party. Though we actually didn't achieve much slumber. We drug our selves off to bed around the time I usually get up. But there were no children pining for attention, so it wasn't so bad. Though if you ask my body, I think it would object to it's bedtime.

We did however manage to slip in much game playing and FarScape. I think we both allowed a fair amount of wins and losses. We also had some good talk time.

And as much as Myrtle wanted the snow to keep me there, I was able to get home Sunday night. With me came Myrtle's former laptop, which I am typing on currently, and one of her former cameras. She updated her electronics, and she graciously passed them on to me. I am greatly appreciative. She also acquired a web cam for our use. Now we can watch while one of us slaughters the other in scrabble.

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