Saturday, November 24, 2007

Here I sit on couch with my lap top. It still has Window Millanium instead of the update to Windows XP. The tech friend at P's work had to leave to attend to his daughter's broken leg.

And among other things, P forgot to take the computer home with her. Oh well. Since she's coming at Christmas, we can do something about it than.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Obviously, the fellow who invented automatic flush toilets did not have young ones.

My girl, who's three, does not care for automatic flush toilets. In fact with our last encounter with one, she absolutely refused to use it. I tried to cover the sensor, but the paper fell. When the sensor's on the wall, it's rather hard to cover it up. The toilet flushed and she started to cry that she didn't have to go. We tried another toilet, but the stupid thing flushed on us too. We ended up leaving, no one having used a toilet, and me very annoyed. I didn't want to have to clean up an accident.

If there have to be automatic flush toilets, they should at least be the kind with the sensor away from the wall.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I had my first (and last) craft fair at Elm Terrace Gardens on Saturday. I sold nothing, save one note card to my 8 year old cousin for a $1.00. I had available to buy, plain and matted prints, some framed prints, note cards, and greeting cards. Many came by and said that I had beautiful photos, but no one felt led to buy anything.

I thought that at least something would sell. But no. I don't count the note card R bought. I did learn that craft fairs at retirement communities are not the place to sell prints. I should have had my photos printed on fabric and made into pillow covers. Then I would have made some money.

I need to find art venues. I want to try selling at local stores and online, too. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, November 05, 2007

I was reading in my Bible a couple of weeks ago and started to cry from conviction. E, who was in the room entertaining herself by lining up books on my bed, stopped, turned and asked, " Mommy why are you crying?" I replied, "Because I'm not doing what God wants me to do." As she went back to arranging, she simply said, "God will keep you safe."

I took her in my arms and thanked her for caring about Mommy. I got a big E hug, which can melt any heart.