Monday, August 31, 2009


She's oriented. Ellie enjoyed her hour today at school. She made a sunflower, drew a picture of herself (complete with teeth,) and decorated a large manila envelope with traces of her hands. She has a cubby for her supplies and a hook for her coat and bag. She took her new bike helmet for her show and tell about summer. Ellie also got to use the potty and was excited to see that there was an Ellie size sink available for her use. We read a story waiting for everyone to arrive (somehow we managed to arrive first,) and she played kitchen while we waited for everyone to finish their three projects. The teacher ended the hour with a story - The Night Before Kindergarten. She also reminded parents to send a healthy snack (you know, no sugary stuff) each day, than offered the children a piece of candy before they left, and informed them that they could have one each day when they left to go home. A little contradictory if you ask me. I made sure to let Ellie know she would not be getting a piece of candy everyday.

I think I feel more confident about letting Ellie ride the bus both ways sooner than I previously thought. Now I need to contact First Student about adding her to the bus route, since they haven't contacted me yet.

Josh's day wasn't so pleasant. He was in need of 6 non-regular diaper changes and a sore belly. He is currently napping and hasn't needed a change since around 2:00 pm. His little bottom is sore and needing a break. He also wanted much Mommy time and many hugs.

Gary had jury summons today but wasn't called for jury duty. He did however become more informed about household things. His reading material while waiting today - Mere Christianity, a word search book, and Heloise's Housekeeping Hints. Gary pointed out a way to make meals for a week to me already.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Last week we went to the cabin for the week with my parents. It was a great time away. Gary and my dad, however, didn't have so much as a vacation as a work week. You see, the outside cabin steps, being over thirty years old, have rotted. They needed to be replaced. So while the women and Josh relaxed, the men worked.

Mom and I, with a little help from the kids, painted the front window, twice. The twice should have been once, but since the cabin is part of an association and white is not an allowed window color any longer, the white we painted the window was in violation. We had to change it. We got paint chips, picked a color, got it approved and repainted.

Gary took Ellie on her first fishing trip. My dad got the poles ready and informed Gary how to use them since he hasn't been fishing either. Although he took a bucket and a fish chain, he really really hoped not to catch anything. Not to worry, they only used lures and didn't let them get too deep. But she had a grand time. We met up with them after a couple of hours and had a picnic lunch and a swim.

We didn't have much use of the computer. We had low signal strength. Couldn't really do much, so we didn't really try. One might wonder why we took the laptop at all, but I was hoping to blog, and we had a bill to pay. Got the bill paid, but that was about it.

One thing I did get to do was read. I started again on The New Strong-Willed Child. For some reason I stopped reading after a short time. I have found my sanity again. Dobson talks as though he's met Ellie. I am loving reading this book. Over and over I relate. I hardly related to stories in Tedd Tripp's book. [No way my child stands still and takes her spankings.] Though his principles are excellent, I didn't know how to apply it in my situation. I also got some reading in on When Sinners Say "I do."

In all, it was a relaxing week.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Words, words and more words

My little guy's vocabulary has exploded. He just keeps saying new words. They just keep coming out. It's great to hear him use new words. He is growing up so fast. And he has finally said "Ellie." He doesn't often speak on command, though. It starts acting goofy when asked to way a word.

Monday, August 24, 2009


My girl starts kindergarten next week. My emotions are going up and down.

We decided to put her in private kindergarten, since we found a school that had a half off discount for first time students and has a great program. Next year she will be in public school - either first grade or have her do another year of kindergarten if we think she needs it.

Tomorrow we are going shopping. For school supplies and some new clothes (she's sprouting like a weed and wearing through stuff.) We are also going to have lunch and go for a bike ride together. It's a mommy - Ellie day!

She also has the opportunity to take the school bus but for now that's too much for us. My little baby is not taking a bus yet. Maybe in a few weeks or months. It works out for me to take her, since Gary works on the way, and we only have one car. I'll be the bus driver and take Gary to work and Ellie to school. Josh gets to go along for the ride. In a few weeks once she's used to school, we'll let Ellie take the bus home. After a while she can take the school bus both ways.

My little baby is going to school.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Life as a Rock Star

I live the life of a rock star. It’s true! I have wild hair and make-up with frequent costume changes.

Everywhere I go I have an entourage. People are constantly yelling my name. I look out into the crowd and they’re actually crying for me, reaching for me.

I have no privacy. I’m watched when I shower, when I’m cooking, even when I use the restroom . . . for my own protection, I’m sure.

When I go places I must do so quickly before my fans get out of control and start a riot. Every night a different (fan) wants to sleep with me. Each of them seems genuinely hurt when I turn him (or her) away.

Occasionally I get dirty undergarments whirled at me with a whoop and a smile. It’s even hard sometimes to walk through my own home without someone spotting me and trying to grab my legs or my clothing.

Oh, and don’t forget about the stalkers! You know those crazed fans that follow you everywhere? Why I can’t even talk on the phone in the pantry without an eye peeping in at me.

Yes it’s true – I live the life of a rock star. And this goes out to my (two) biggest fans – (Elisabeth and Joshua) – thanks for making my debut so special.

I read the above article by Melinda Coats in MomSense, a magazine I get from being part of MOPS. I found it to be humorous and rather accurate for my life as well.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I figured out my problem

Yes, I figured it out. I am a sinner. I know, astonishing but true. And even though I knew this fact, it was made much clearer (and humbling) in my reading of a little jewel of a book called When Sinners Say "I Do," by Dave Harvey.

I especially like the author's illustration about sin in our hearts: a hot engine and oil. He had a live experience with this when his son had started the lawnmower up with the oil cap loose. After the engine heated up, he had an oil geyser. "Original sin filled the "engine" of our hearts with the "oil" of depravity - dark, greasy, and staining everything it touches. Circumstances come along and heat the engine. When the engine is hot - when events in our lives test out hearts by stirring anger, lust, greed, etc. - whatever is in the engine spews out. The heat (circumstances) did not fill the engine with oil, it simply revealed what was in the engine." When Jesus, out best example, was heated up, love, mercy, compassion, kindness spilled out. What comes out when you're heated?

One thing I also like about the book is that even though it is written for married folks, the basis of the book applies to all people. Because married or not, we are all sinners and have relationships of all kinds that would do better when we remember we are the biggest sinner of them all.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Prayers for your day

Yesterday, as I read in the Daily Prayer of the Lutheran Service Book, I came upon this little phrase: "on this day when the work of our calling begins anew." It brought me to tears. As I am sure you are well aware, I struggle with being a mom once in a while. Those words brought a sense of purpose and renewed strength.

Today I read through the Daily Prayer again and caught the rest of the prayer. [Yesterday my focus was on the phrase above.]
"Almighty Father, merciful God, who created and completed all things, on this day when the work of our calling begins anew, we implore You to create its beginning, direct its continuance, and bless its end, that our doings may be preserved from sin, our like sanctified, and our work this day be well pleasing to You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

"I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend my myself, my body and soul, and all things (children.) Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen"

Another scare

At 7:13 this morning I was concerned that my sister might have been killed. I heard a report on the news that a women jogger was killed when a tree branch fell on her. My brain started thinking. Jess has jogged in the past. [Never mind that I can't recall the last time she actually went jogging, nor that she would go early in the morning.] I was concerned. The report came again, this time with a description. The women was in her twenties maybe early thirties, with short brown, curly hair. She was listening to her iPod, so probably didn't hear the branch falling. OK, I thought, that describes Jess. [Never mind that it also describes over 100 other women.] I started crying, visibly upset. I get up and grab the phone to call Jess. Reason sets in, and I put it down. But I'm still upset - what if? Gary says to call. So at 7:17 I call my sister. Of course she answers, alive and well, and still in bed. After an explanation for my call, she says "I'm going back to sleep now."

I love you, Jess!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Happy Birthday my sweet girl! You are 5 today!

Ellie and I went birthday prep shopping today. She picked out pink princess plates, cups,
and napkins, pink crepe paper streamers, pink decorating icing, a number 5 candle, and pink bubble gum (in a pink container.) Is anyone else sensing a color theme here? We also bought a doll for her cake.

Ellie requested a princess cake.

She received princess dress-up clothes.

She received a tea set.

She received a bike.

She requested pizza for dinner. Did you know you could order a 28" pizza?

Josh wanted to feel like a princess too.

I am certain all enjoyed themselves.