Wednesday, June 13, 2007

After I nursed J this morning, I put him on the floor. Since he has become mobile, the bed is not a safe place for him. He likes to be on his belly, which I was hoping wouldn't be a problem. I was wrong. The boy spit up about four times. I can't sit him by himself yet, since he still flops over. He won't stay on his back.

So, I after number four, I decided he could sit in his swing while I finished gathering dirty clothes for laundry day. E likes to play with him and did so while he was in the swing. She started the swing swinging, got his some toys and a blanket. She turned on his music and left the room, shutting the door. She then informed me that J was taking a nap.

When I was finished gathering clothes and ready to head down stairs, I went to get J. He was, in fact, taking a nap. My plan was to give him some cereal, then put him down for a nap. E thought otherwise.