Thursday, December 27, 2007

P was here.
When P comes it's always a whirlwind with all her stuff and the animals. :) Twenty trips to the car and back to bring it all in. Well, I guess that is a bit of an exaggeration. She does try to pack light, but it is OK if she doesn't. Having her visit is fun. We play games and watch movies quite frequently, though not as frequently as she would like. With having two children and my weekly tasks, it is harder for me to spend as much time as I or she would like playing games and watching movies.

P also helps out with the children, for which I am quite grateful. J loves her and talks to her about his day, and lets her change him without fussing and wriggling, feed him, cuddle with him. E loves her too. She is very caring about P's recent loss of one of her birds. E also loves doing P's make up. She is not too bad at it, I think. E also likes going for walks with P and Kashi, and giving Kashi his bones. And every morning E wants to know if P is up and if she can go wake her up. Being quiet to let P sleep is hard for her. They each have a special place with her.