Saturday, August 23, 2008

David took off today and our gaggle headed to the Akron Zoo. Four adults, five children, a double stroller, and a wagon.

We saw a passel of different animals. The kids all loved it. And guess what. At the farm animal section, I found a sign that explained the difference between straw and hay. Gary and I had been curious.

I have mixed feelings about zoos. It just doesn't seem right. The animals have hardly any room compared to their natural habitat. I wonder how animal rights people don't shut them down. Or is it OK as long as they are being treated well?

Speaking of animal rights people, and total off subject, why do they get all up in arms about animals not being treated humanely? Last time I checked they are not human.

Back on subject, at the end of our visit to the zoo, we were coming down a hill. David decided to be a boy. Here's the video.

And to end our night, we watched "The Incredibles." Last night we watched "The Astronaut Farmer." I liked them both, but I think I would only like to see "The Incredibles" again.

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