First of all, we are buying a house. The papers were all finished being signed on Saturday.
We went camping for our anniversary. To Ocean City, NJ. All four of us. It was a fabulous time. The kids were well behaved and very helpful.
The only negative was the beach traffic driving down and coming home. It was ridiculous. We avoided most of it by going out of the way, but it still took us over three hours both ways.
Josh fell asleep on the beach. He had a fever on and off all weekend but didn't want to miss a moment at the beach.
Ellie and Josh are leaning on the ledge of our restaurant. We ate on a schooner in Cape May. Which the kids thought was the greatest thing. They got to watch boats come and go. And did I mention they ate on a boat? The only thing better would have been if it was moving.
Cape May Lighthouse
We each climbed all 199 steps to the watchroom of the lighthouse. Which the kids thought was the greatest thing. They we a little nervous being so high. Neither said the climb was too much.
We rented a surrey for an hour. Which the kids thought was the greatest thing. Ellie was up at 5:30, she was so excited.
Ellie discovered the remote for the camera and was practicing taking her photo with it.
She also was taking candid shots. We were not posing, but it's the only photo of our campsite.
6 The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.10 So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
I read these verse this morning and thought how they fit in my life as a parent. With my kids, if I behave with them harshly, they are usually harsh with me. If I am calm with them, they are more able to be calm with me. Right now, Gary and I are the main source of their regulation. Eventually they will learn it for themselves. And I wonder "How am I doing as their teacher?"
Sometimes I lose heart. I grow weary often. But again the source of my strength is not me, and although I lose heart and grow weary, I know the Spirit is doing what I cannot.
I have been wanting to become a bone marrow donor for a while now. I finally finished my application to receive a donation kit.
I have looked over all the info. about it. I have heard comments about it being painful and why would I want to do that. My response is that it isn't much compared to what the people go through who need the bone marrow. That their life is at risk. I think a little discomfort is something I can make it through.
When Josh and Ellie came into our room this morning, I was not the one they came to see. Gary got up and they all slipped out quietly. A little bit later, they were back with my breakfast of a bagel, orange slices and orange juice. I heard a chorus of "Happy Mother's Day" accompanied by hugs and kisses. It was a great start.
At church Josh had a plant for me and Ellie had a coupon book. After lunch we went to Evansburg State Park to attend an orienteering event.
Gary made dinner and dad cleaned up.
May you all be blessed by the women in your life.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
I recently watched the above video and got to thinking about what to I can do.
I decided to look at our school district's website for information about sexual abuse. This is what I found:
Safe School Initiatives
North Penn School District Preventative Measures
·Crisis Boxes:
an emergency procedures plan in place in each district school building
which contains plans for building evacuation and response plans for a
variety of emergencies
·Student Assistance Program:
school teams that assist in the identification of students at risk and
provide intervention and make referrals to outside agencies for more
severe problems
·D.A.R.E. Program: a drug and alcohol awareness/prevention program designed to teach elementary students about the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse
·District Behavior Specialist:a
person designated to provide consultation, observation, and on-site
training to staff to provide support for students with behavioral issues
·Alternative School Day Program: an
in-district alternative educational program designed to meet the needs
of students in grades 7-12 who are not successful in the regular school
·Alternative School Evening Program: a
district run alternative setting designed to provide a placement for
high school students who have not been successful in other alternative
·Student Codes of Conduct: district approved comprehensive K-12 student code of conduct aligned with state and federal regulations
·Child Study Teams: K-12 school based teams designed to review the academic and behavioral issues of students referred to them
·Mainstay: drop-out prevention program for middle and high school students
·Rapid Response Plans: Police are specially trained to respond to school incidents
·Automated External Defibrillators: each district facility has at least one AED on site for health related emergencies
·Safe and Drug Free Schools Committee / Activities (Act 211)
·Building Security: security personnel and cameras are in place in all secondary (and some elementary) schools including:
o69 Surveillance cameras
o19 Security Officers.
·Bus Safety measures
They have programs for drug and alcohol prevention, natural emergencies, security, behavioral issues, and bus safety. There is nothing about sexual abuse.
I called the school and asked. What training do the teachers and all who work with the children have for learning the signs of abuse and what programs are in place to teach children about inappropriate touches and to not keep things secret, especially if told to by an adult?