Wednesday, May 02, 2012

I recently watched the above video and got to thinking about what to I can do.

I decided to look at our school district's website for information about sexual abuse.  This is what I found:

Safe School Initiatives

North Penn School District Preventative Measures

·         Crisis Boxes: an emergency procedures plan in place in each district school building which contains plans for building evacuation and response plans for a variety of emergencies

·         Student Assistance Program: school teams that assist in the identification of students at risk and provide intervention and make referrals to outside agencies for more severe problems

·         D.A.R.E. Program:  a drug and alcohol awareness/prevention program designed to teach elementary students about the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse

·         District Behavior Specialist: a person designated to provide consultation, observation, and on-site training to staff to provide support for students with behavioral issues

·         Alternative School Day Program:  an in-district alternative educational program designed to meet the needs of students in grades 7-12 who are not successful in the regular school setting

·         Alternative School Evening Program:  a district run alternative setting designed to provide a placement for high school students who have not been successful in other alternative placements

·         Student Codes of Conduct:  district approved comprehensive K-12 student code of conduct aligned with state and federal regulations

·         Child Study Teams:  K-12 school based teams designed to review the academic and behavioral issues of students referred to them

·         Mainstay: drop-out prevention program for middle and high school students

·         Rapid Response Plans:  Police are specially trained to respond to school incidents

·         Automated External Defibrillators: each district facility has at least one AED on site for health related emergencies

·         Safe and Drug Free Schools Committee / Activities (Act 211)

·         Building Security: security personnel and cameras are in place in all secondary (and some elementary) schools including:
o    69 Surveillance cameras
o    19 Security Officers.

·         Bus Safety measures

They have programs for drug and alcohol prevention, natural emergencies, security, behavioral issues, and bus safety.  There is nothing about sexual abuse. 

I called the school and asked.  What training do the teachers and all who work with the children have for learning the signs of abuse and what programs are in place to teach children about inappropriate touches and to not keep things secret, especially if told to by an adult?

They have to get back to me.

1 comment:

Myrtle said...

That should be a surprise, but it is not. Perhaps you could facilitate having a sexual abuse advocate agency come in and do a workshop for staff.