This past Monday, Gary and I went to talk to another counselor. We described what it's like in our household; how Ellie behaves; how frustrated, worn out, upset, and unsure of ourselves we are. She listened. She asked questions. She understood. She did not condemn, blame, shame, or judge. She listened. She gave us hope.
She asked us what we knew of ADD or ADHD. She gave us, and one for her teacher, a short questionnaire to fill out. If the scale leans toward ADD, then we will take Ellie to see a psychologist for further testing.
And if it doesn't lean toward ADD, then she will still work with us and give us practical techniques in parenting her more effectively.
Yesterday, when I had to redirect Ellie so many times, that I can't remember how many, to do her home work and to get her bath, I kept telling myself that maybe she is having trouble because of something she can not control. I did not blame her, or shame her or judge her and I did not compare her to others. Our afternoon and evening went exponentially better. Gary even noticed a difference when he got home.
I know it was just one day. And I know things will not always run so well. But my mindset was different. It was better. And that makes a difference.
:)) Love you all!
You and Gary have worked so very hard at parenting. I am so grateful and thankful that you have found someone willing to help, to listen is a great mercy in and of itself. Christ be praised!
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