Monday, November 19, 2018

What they don't tell you

When you set out to start raising little people into adults, they talk about the cute little bundle you will bring home from the hospital.  They talk about what kind of diapers to use, cloth or disposable; whether to breastfeed or not; should you wear your baby or use a stroller.  They talk about their first teeth, when they might roll over, when they take their first wobbly steps.

What they don't tell you is that they will tell you how they hate you over and over.  That they say they wish they were never a part of this family.  They don't tell you you will lie in bed crying because of the choices they've made, how their words will be like a knife to your heart.

They don't tell you they will say the most hurtful of things, that they don't care how their actions affect you.  They don't tell you they might only do things if it's in their best interest.  That they will turn their backs on your affection and spurn your offer of help.

What they don't tell you is that through it all you will still love them with the fiercest love.  That you will still put their needs above your own.  What they don't tell you is that you will continue to sacrifice for them through the stormiest of attitudes and thickest of negative behaviors.  That you will continue to cry for them when they hurt and heal them as best you can.

What they don't tell you is that you will continue to teach them right from wrong, that they could never do anything to loose your love. 

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