Saturday, September 10, 2005

It was a dark and stormy night . . .

Well, maybe not stormy, but it is dark. It is actually tomorrow, since the hand went past the 12. I got home from a Phillies game (our last one at the ballpark for this season, the Phillies won 12-5) shortly before the clock struck 12, but since my friend talks about not playing enough scrabble, I thought I could play some games with her instead of going to sleep and instead of packing. (I am in the process of winning two out of three games.)

Ah yes, and my husband . . . where is he you might ask? He has a project due on Monday and needs to get it done before we leave. So, presently he is at work. I dropped him off there after the game. He will be there overnight.

We each won two games of scrabble. I am going to bed. I still don't think we ever discussed Hu being a shortened name for Hugh. It was Stu.