Friday, October 26, 2007

E has done it. She has gone too far with ketchup. I had meatloaf for lunch, so I had the ketchup out. J is eating stew. E is having PB&J with apple slices. She claimed she needed ketchup. So, I gave her a blob. Do you want to guess what she dipped in that ketchup? Her apple. Yep, she just dipped it right in there. And then she did it again. And again. Apparently her taste buds don't find that offensive. Mine, however, have a problem with that.

I called my dad, since he puts ketchup on far more foods than most people I know. He said he would have to try that too.

I still say NO, THANK YOU!

An aside: My previous post and this post have been written at the kitchen table with nothing hooked to the computer. My dear friend P took pity on my attachment to electricity and bought me a battery.