Tuesday, February 01, 2011

We got the call

Our fifth snow day in two weeks. Three last week, two this week. Actually some of them have been ice days, like tomorrow. The kids were excited, because they got to sleep in the same room together tonight. We don't usually let them fall asleep in the same room. There is usually too much rowdiness.

Ellie was a bit upset that she didn't have school today, since it is her half birthday and she has cookies to take in. They are sitting outside in my makeshift freezer (a dresser) waiting for Thursday.

The kids have been crazy about watching TV, so we issued them each 20 tokens per week. Each token is worth a half hour TV time. They hand a token over to watch TV. When the tokens are gone, no more TV. Josh doesn't quite understand the concept yet. He told Daddy that when they were all gone, Mommy would just give him more. He missed the part about when he would get more. There is also a limit as to when they may watch TV.

Since using them, they haven't had any fits about turning the TV off when the show they've chosen to watch is over. Unless you count who turns it off and shuts the cabinet doors.

Snow days are exceptions. I am a little more lenient about taking tokens for TV time.

While out playing in the snow today, I think we found ourselves a good sled run. If you do it right, you go down the hill, avoiding several trees and rocks, and blast (Josh's word) off the edge to the ditch below. Although Josh calls it blasting, it's more of a plopping into the ditch. With the snow and ice coming tonight, maybe it will be more luge-like tomorrow and we can launch into the street. The launch spot off the edge is a bit tricky, because the space to go through between a huge rock and a tree is slightly wider than the sled.

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