Saturday, January 29, 2011

One more year older

I don't feel older. I don't even feel as old as I am. Good thing . . . not that I'm old or anything.

Yesterday I made myself brownies and chocolate chip cookies. The brownies turned out very dry (even though I baked them for less time then the recipe called for.) Rather disappointing. Maybe ice cream will help. The cookies didn't turn out as expected either. For some reason the recipe didn't call for salt. Well, the cookies don't taste right without it. I was able to mix some in the remaining dough. Much better.

I left the apple crisp for Gary to make today. When I pulled out the bags of apples, it was determined that there would be no apple crisp for us. But the deer get a fruit treat. Gary offered to go buy apples, but I told him he could make it sometime this week. I suggested he make a fire instead.

We got suited up and played in the snow and did some sledding. The kids made good use of the sand toys. Ellie informed me they were for snow too.

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