Monday, September 12, 2011

Encouraged to write my story

Today was the first meeting for MOPS. We did a writing exercise. A quick write about our names. We were then encouraged to take time this year and write the storyboard of our lives. Take 3-5 minutes and write, no stopping. Write about a favorite Christmas, a favorite teacher. The birth story of my children, how I met my husband. The list is endless.

I have decided that this school year, I am going to write. I am going to put my life into words. I am excited.

Then maybe someday, I can add photos.


Myrtle said...

I am ALL for more Becky writing! Hmm...writing 3-5 minutes without stopping. Sounds VERY familiar to a writing process a certain professor used to teach. Wonder who that could be??

Myrtle said...

I like the flower pen, by the way!