Monday, June 02, 2008

Today we went to a different church with P. It was too warm in the sanctuary for her. We didn't leave in time. She spent may moments on our couch cooling down.

Though she might have waited a little longer to get up. The stairs were not her friend this visit.

We were concerned about P driving home, but she decided to try it and did make it home alright.
I think that I won most of the games we played. (I don't really remember, but I am choosing to remember that I won.) Unfortunately I do remember that she just slaughtered my mom, aunt and I at Chicken Foot. It was embarrassing how badly I did. I think I lost by over 200 points. Disgusting.

I love my visits with P. She is always willing to lend a hand, change a diaper, do the dishes. Even when it hurts. Literally. She also gives much needed advice to G and I about parenting E and J. I also love to hear her opinions on things.

She does have this one flaw, though. She absolutely loves to win and hates to lose. I think she should work on that. And lose more. :)