Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Walking with Jesus

Today's devotion is titled Walking with Jesus. The passage is Luke 24:13-35.

A section of the commentary is "He's with you, walking alongside you. He hears your conversation; he watches what you do; he knows your heart. Jesus really cares. And he really does notice what you do - again and again and again.

I know as a wife and mom, I have the best job. I get to care for my family. That's my main priority, and I enjoy it. But in that roll, what I do sometimes is taken for granted and not noticed.
My son isn't going to come up and say "Thanks mom for getting that peanutbutter out of my hair. It was mighty sticky for me." He's only two. But he does take my cheeks in his hands and gives me a smile that lights up his face.

My daughter isn't going to stop me in the hall and say, "Thanks mom for washing the toothpaste out of my towel." But she does snuggle at bedtime and sing a duet of "Hush Little Baby" with me.
My husband isn't going to thank me for every single thing I do, (he wouldn't get to talk about anything else,) but he does thank me for some of it and helps out when he can. He also has a long list of house projects of his own that is woefully growing longer not shorter.

Each one of us desires praise for what we've accomplished. So, when I read today's devotion, I was blessed to be reminded that Jesus is walking with me and does notice what I do again and again and again. I don't need my children's or my husband's praise. I have Jesus.

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