Monday, April 27, 2009


I am tired. I have not felt like writing in a while, so I haven't. But I thought since I had a few moments tonight I would catch you up.

Two Saturdays ago, we did yard work. We moved a bush, moved some bulbs, cleaned out some leaves, and rototilled the garden. After that we inventoried our seeds. Again. We made final decisions on what to plant, went to buy a hoe and the seeds we didn't have yet, and got to work planting. Ellie requested cauliflower and planted it herself. The rest of the list includes tomatoes, peppers, peas, green and wax beans, Lima beans, lettuce, carrots, onions, garlic, butternut squash, yellow squash, cucumbers. We also are growing mint, basil, dill, oregano, rosemary, thyme, savory, stevia, and possibly lemon basil. Gary planted the herbs, and although it's on my list, I don't know if he planted that one, since we have regular basil. Can't wait to eat this stuff. Well, most of it anyway.

It's been one week, and I see a few shoots.

This past Saturday found us hauling bins of children's clothes, toys and stuff and other sundry things we could find to sell to the dining and living rooms. We joined the neighborhood in a yard sale fundraiser for the local elementary school. All week I have been moving stuff around and getting it ready. Our dining and living rooms were packed full of stuff.

I am glad to say we did well. But after hauling all that didn't sell back into the house, one might guess that we didn't yet have the yard sale. Gary even took a load to the local thrift shop. We are going to try consignment with the spring/summer clothes, but probably won't store the fall/winter clothes, since stores only want spring/summer right now. Our attic is considerably more empty. (Though Gary's Legos do take up quite a bit of space.)

Well, after a day of heat, shopping, mothering and all, I am worn out. I am going to go sit, listen to my Phillies and read. Maybe have some ice cream or a hard lemonade. Or both. Maybe some popcorn, too. Maybe after a couple of innings, I'll get back to sorting through the clothes and pulling out all the spring/summer stuff. Or it could wait until tomorrow.

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