Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Scare of my life

Friday, Josh got it in his head to not come inside. I had found a dime and had given it to him. While riding home, it fell down in his car seat and I wouldn't dig it out for him. He took exception to that and wouldn't budge from his seat on the grass. I went inside to let Hunter out. While bring Hunter back inm I picked Josh up and brought him along back to the house. I put him down before going inside with the dog.

Josh started walking. Back toward the garage. I had hooked Hunter up to finish his business, but quickc put him back inside when I saw Josh had kept walking past the garage. When I got to the alley, Josh was no where to be seen. I looked up and down the alley. No Josh. I came back in the yard, thinking I missed seeing him. No Josh. I looked around on the back side of the garden. No Josh. I looked around the garage to our neighbor's yard. No Josh. I walked down the alley toward the street. A neighbor asked if I as looking for a little boy. Yes, I told him. The kind man pointed down the street and said he went that way. I squinted my eyes and could barely see a form. I had doubt that my son had walked so far. I started running. Ellie coming along behind me.

I crossed two streets and two alleys before I got to Josh. He had indeed walked so far, two blocks. A neighbor on foot and a lady in her car had been watching out for him. When I got to him, I had trouble breathing for a moment. I was so scared. He behaved as though he always went for walks by himself - "What's the trouble, Mom?" In my hurry to get to Josh, I nearly forgot to ensure Ellie crossed the streets safely, since I run faster than she does.

Relieved to have Josh in my arms, I headed straight back home. I forgot to thank the lady who pulled her car over to ensure his safety, though I did have the presence of mind to stop my walk back home and thank the man who was on foot.

Thank you Lord for keeping my wayward son safe.

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