Friday, July 08, 2011

Plans change

My plan this morning was to take the kids to pick blueberries, then let them play at the playground.

That all changed when I couldn't shut the freezer after getting out some mint for my sun tea. I had to pry it open in the first place. There was so much frost, that it wouldn't shut. Last night I had some ice cream and apparently the door didn't shut all the way.

I emptied the freezer and chipped away at the frost using a hammer and Wonder Bar (a very useful gift from Myrtle years ago. Really everyone should have one.)

The kids thought it was a great fun to see all this ice and "snow." They started playing with it using pots and cups.

I found some food I forgot we had. Some of it should be thrown out, probably.

But now it's been raining off and on all afternoon with thunder, so we aren't going picking today. Fresh blueberries will have to wait.


Myrtle said...

Oh, Becky, surely it doesn't need to be thrown out! Remember, if you see mold, just cut it off and eat the good parts that are left!

Becky said...

No mold, just freezer-burn tasting food, maybe.

But we did have a nice turkey dinner last night.

And Gary didn't think we should throw anything out, and that's saying something.