Sunday, January 08, 2012

A Pain

Spent the morning at the ER today. Nearly two weeks have gone by without much respite from the pain in one rib. This morning it was the worst it's been. We packed up the kids and headed to the hospital instead of church.

Although I was the only patient in the waiting room, I had to wait. When I was called back, they asked questions, took x-rays and asked more questions and there was ore waiting. Much more waiting.

X-rays were negative, I was given one pill there and a prescription for Vicodin and sent home, with directions to check in with my family doctor later this week.

I laid on the couch napping with a war compress on my ribs, waiting to take the Vicodin. I woke around 4:00, took my pill and drove to work. Two hours after taking the Vicodin, I felt no better. I came home and asked Gary to clean the other bank for me. I took three ibuprofen and laid down on the couch again with a warm compress.

That worked and I felt better enough to finish cleaning.

I guess warm compresses, ibuprofen and couch time is what I need.

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