Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Perfect Plan . . . is NOT my plan.

We can plan.  We can sign up Ellie for Medical Assistance to get services.  We can go to counseling.  We can come up with numerous different systems for managing Josh and Ellie's behavior, and our behavior.  We can punish, talk to, and reason with our children.

But if we leave God out, we will fail.  If we don't read His Word, pray, and spend time listening for His voice, we will not have the success we could have.  We will not be living in the abundance of all he has for us. 

God has the Perfect Plan.  He is faithful.  He is trustworthy.  He loves me.  He wants to be what I need. 

I don't know what His plan is.  But I believe I don't have to know it, nor do I need to, because He knows what it is.  I have the faith He's given me.  I have His word showing me I can trust Him.

His Word is my daily bread, but I haven't been reading it.  I have been going this road on my own strength, which is woefully pathetic.

But that is going to change.

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