Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Gary was bored during yet another meeting that droned on. And on. So what did he decide to do?  Look up my blog.  And he started reading from the beginning.  Back in 2005.  

And it got me to thinking.  

I wrote on here a lot back then.  He was able to recount myriad things we did.  Vacations we went on, stories about our everyday happenings.

And it got me to thinking.

I stopped writing on here back a quite few years ago.  I felt I just didn't have much to write about or didn't have the time or just didn't take the time.  

And it got me to thinking.

I need to start writing on here again.  I liked that Gary could go back and read about our everyday happenings.  When he gets to 2015, it won't take him long to reach 2020.  

I told myself I was going to start writing on here more while ago.  That didn't happen.   I hope to do better now at writing about the things of our life so that years from now, we can go back and read it. 

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