Sunday, May 22, 2005

Look at that. Another fun yesterday.

Let's see……this day's adventure was assisted by the caring folks at Mount Vernon.

My husband has been trying to catch a glimpse of Mount Vernon for twice now. His eyes have been disappointed.

4:49 PM We purchase our yearly passes.
5:00 PM We enter the gates of Mount Vernon.
5:01 PM I read in the brochure (that was available only after walking through the gate) that Mount Vernon closes at 5:00 PM.
5:09 PM Discover the audio tour is to be purchased at the ticket counter.
5:10 PM Husband and I walk around to exit and to the closed ticket counter.
5:11 PM Walk back to closed entrance gate. Park man will not let us in, not even to get our
child. Tells us to talk with guard at exit gate.
5:14 PM Guard at exit gate will not let us in to get our child and meet our friend. Tells us
we have to wait for her to come out.
5:15 PM Sit on bench and wait.
5:31 PM I ask the guard what time they make sure all the visitors are out of the park.
Told that they should be getting people to leave now.
5:45 PM Go to ask the guard if they could at least call to guards inside to let my friend
know we were waiting at the exit.
5:46 PM We see my friend and our daughter coming to the exit door. We are reunited.

Several things could have been done differently.

~They should not have sold us tickets.
~They should have told us the park was closing in 10 minutes.
~They should not have let us into the park.
~They should have told us we only had half an hour to look around.
~They should have allowed us to get our daughter. If they didn’t want us in by ourselves,
they could have escorted us.
~The guards could have radioed to each other to helps us find each other.
~Someone could have gone and told our friend we were at the exit waiting. We did tell them
where she could be found.

Several things should have been done differently.

Why did no one care enough to help us?
Why did no one want to help parents separated from their daughter?
Was it too much to ask someone to help us?

I don’t understand.