Friday, May 20, 2005

My husband is home, and I am not. I will see him tonight. He is taking the train. I miss him.
My daughter and I have traveled to visit my friend. My best friend. I haven't seen her since January, though we talk nearly every day.
We like to play scrabble. We both like to win, which does not go well with losing. We are very poor losers. And not always good winners, either. We have a passion for games. Especially Scrabble and Phase Ten. Let's see......on my last visit we played ten games of Phase Ten. Sadly, I won only three. When I come to visit, we spend most of the time playing games and hoping to beat the other.
Kashi loves me. He is my best friend's dog. He greets me so exuberantly that his tail wags himself over. He takes his toys and naps with them on the bed I use when I am here. Even if I am home, just hearing my voice, sends him into a frenzy.
It is raining here. We are even more inclined to play games on rainy days. The day held promise to journey outside, but if the water continues to fall, we may be resigned to sit on the couch and the green chair indefinitely.