Sunday, July 17, 2005

My daughter will hardly eat.

At a restaurant, no less. We went our for my grandmother's 86th birthday. My two cousins and their children, my aunt, my mother, my sister, my daughter, and I gathered to wish grandmom "Happy Birthday!"

My child would not eat the Cheerios , or the toast, or the Italian wedding soup. Neither did she want much of her bottle. She did eat a few (a few mind you) of the carrots from the soup and some pasta from a pasta salad. She also ate some applesauce.

All the food she consumed amounted to only a fraction of the normal amount that she eats. She usually sucks down her bottle and cries fiercely if it is taken away, even when it's empty.
But not this week.

Her mother is very frustrated. I am trying to nourish my child. She sticks her tongue out, turns her head away, flaps her arms at the spoon, dumps the food on the floor. Her mother is very, very tired of this little practice.

Maybe it's her teeth coming, for she has none.