Thursday, July 07, 2005

Understanding each other is difficult. It will always be, because God made us unique. But you work at it, you do not give up and resign that you must be a knucklehead.

My husband and I are forever miscommunicating. We don't love each other less for it. It helps to learn more about each other. Although it is very tiring at times to have my words interpreted much differently than what I had planned, I am glad we are talking.

It has also caused me to really think about how I say my thoughts, and if I should always say them. Could the tone of my voice be saying one thing and my words another? I know that is the case sometimes, much more than I want to admit. That is something on which I need to work.

I think back over a conversation and realize that my mouth would have done far better to have been stuffed with cotton. And I am learning to listen to my tone, speak only what will be edifying, and carry cotton at all times. My getting-better-progression is shown by the length of time it takes me to realize I should not have said something. The time is getting shorter.