Monday, August 01, 2005

Today my girl turns ONE!

It is hard to believe it has been a year. So much has happened, but it doesn't seem like enough time has gone by.

I think back to the day she was born and get all teary-eyed. I miss my newborn, but enjoy my almost toddler. I miss her smallness, but enjoy seeing her grow. I miss our time together nursing, but enjoy seeing her try new foods. I love her sounds and her attempts to copy what I say. I love hearing "mama" and "dada." I crack up at her growling, wondering how it doesn't hurt her throat. Her want for independence is evident, along with her stubbornness when she doesn't get her way.

There is so much to remember. All the things she can do now. And all that she still has to learn. Of course, she will never stop learning.

What will the next year hold?