Thursday, February 16, 2006

How much thought have you put forth thinking about your skin and the amazing organ that it is?

You take things for granted when they are fine. I cut two fingers the other day. Just small little slivers of skin missing, but it hurts as though the entire end of both fingers are gone. They throbbed all the time when I first cut them. Now, only when I bump them. Typing presses on one of them.

Skin is the largest organ in our body. It covers us up. Holds us together. Helps us keep warm and cool down. Here is a nice little picture.

Isn't it beautiful? Our body constantly amazes me. How God made us and planned everything so perfectly. Our body systems work together to do their jobs.

Our eyelashes and nose hairs help keep dirt out. Our lungs take up a small space compared to the amount of surface area available for oxygen absorption. Our eyes see images upside down, and it's our brains' job to turn the images around.

When I was pregnant, I often thought about the developing my daughter was doing each day, and what a miracle she was. She continues to baffle me in what she can do at only 18 months.

We are all miracles, and even though our bodies don't always do what they are suppose to do, we are perfect.

God planned it all and beautifully executes it in each one of us.

My cuts still hurt though.