Friday, December 22, 2006

I have been a mother of two now for a little more than a month. Within the last week or two, I feel like I can hardly get anything accomplished during the day. I am usually up by 7:00am and by the time I get all three of us ready in the morning and breakfast on the table, it's nearly 9:00am. Then by the time I clean up the kitchen after breakfast, it's nearly lunch time on some days. E gets to her nap late, which means she wakes up late. She is still sleeping while I am preparing dinner.

And all the while J seems to be sleeping or demanding to eat. (As he is now.)

And when E is finally down for her nap, I just want to sit on the couch and not do anything. Two days this week that is what I did. And J took his nap on my chest. It was wonderful to be able to hold my sleeping boy and cuddle with him.

As I said, my little one wants to eat - RIGHT NOW!