Friday, December 29, 2006

My son is six weeks old today. He has been sleeping over 7 hours at night for about 2 weeks, now. He still likes to eat every two hours during the day, though. He will give you smiles and coo at you and will watch you and follow your face.

He has gained two pounds. He is bigger than E was at 6 weeks. He has already outgrown some newborn clothes. He is in the 75th percentile, while my munchkin daughter stayed around the 25th percentile.

He loves the vibrating bouncy seat. He likes to sleep on his side and usually looks to the right and sleeps with his head to the right. I get about a two - five second warning before the hungry cry is heard. The cry doesn't turn off until food is in his mouth. Although sometimes a binkie can hold him for a little while.

His cry is rather high pitched and squeal-like. I am hearing it right now, for it is eating time.