Saturday, January 05, 2008

My daughter is definitely a pip. I think I may actually have found something that my daughter cares enough about to change her behavior. At least for one time.

Let me back up a moment though. My brother told me that my nephew's favorite dessert is chewing sugar free gum for 15 minutes. Gum. Yep, that's his favorite. So G and I decided to let E try some. Her cousin let her have a piece. She liked it.

So on our last trip to Wal-Mart, I got her some Extra, bubblegum flavor. She really likes having it. Yesterday E wouldn't clean up some toys. I threatened throwing out a toy, than changed it to throwing out her gum. And man did she react. She came hollering "No," found a toy, and tried to hand it to me to throw out (sorry P, it was the pink purse you gave her), but I said no, she had to clean up or loose the gum. Needless to say, the toys were cleanup, and her beloved gum was saved from certain disaster.