Wednesday, January 30, 2008

P gave be a bag of Babybels for my birthday. She is so thoughtful. I would probably never buy them for myself. She engineered the buying too. She called my dad and asked him to procure them for her and then give them to me on my birthday. (He forgot to bring them, and my mom dropped them off today.)

P loves the little cheeses. When she was here for Christmas she brought some with her. Or was it Thanksgiving? Well, maybe it was both. Anyway, on a visit she brought them, and had her Babybel and peanuts snack. (It was Thanksgiving, because at Christmas she added Cheerios to the combo.) She let me try a hunk of cheese garnished with peanuts. I found it to be quite palatable. I went and got my own little peanut cheese snack.

P is very big on tasty food (maybe she should be a food critic,) so she knew I would enjoy a bag of Babybels to go along with my peanuts. Previous to my Babybel acquisition, I was using extra sharp cheddar to accompany the peanuts to my stomach.

Although in February P is sharing her gift certificate to a spa with me (plus spending a little more) for my birthday, she wanted me to have a little something from her on my birthday.

What a dear friend have I.