Monday, May 19, 2008

Camping was wet and wild. Well maybe not so much wild, but definitely wet. The forecast, we thought, was for a shower or two Sunday afternoon. Instead we got steady rain for most of the day. It did finally cleared up once we packed up and left. While drying out at G's dad's place, we saw the sun for the first time that day.

One might consider the wild part being when we had to calm J back to sleep when we went to bed, at 2:00, 3:30, and 5:00. E need some readjusting a few times as well. G and I were lucky to actually sleep until 9:00. I guess the late night wakenings helped the kids sleep longer, though I highly recommend sleeping through the night instead.

We only were at the camp site over night. Since Friday night was rainy as well. But we wanted to get some camping in with our new pop-up camper. Pop-up is a misnomer. Only after cranking, pulling, tugging, zipping, lifting, wedging, and rearranging does one get to rest in a "pop-up" camper.