Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My family and parents went to the cabin this weekend. Although I was there with my husband, I rarely saw him or my dad. It was a work weekend for them. The roof near the chimney had been leaking, and they were there to fix it. The project has consumed their time. I pretty much only saw G for meals and falling into bed tired and sore. He apparently has muscles about which he didn't know.

It took them a long time, longer than they thought. In fact the kids, my mom and I left last night. They stayed. Even though the forecast was for rain today. They still had work to do. I talked to G tonight. They finally finished this evening - in the rain.

He said he would call after they got on the road to let me know they were on their way home. It's 10:39 PM and no call. I will be heading to bed very soon. I'd like to actually see my husband before this day is over, but I may have to wait until tomorrow.