Thursday, September 11, 2008

I discovered today, among many other things, that one could be a follower of a blog. I apparently have two followers. I didn't know what that meant so I took a look. I don't actually know exactly what it means to be a follower, but I am guessing that the two people are reading what I'm writing and have let me know it by using this follower tool. I knew the one - my sister-in-law. But the other was a mystery to me. I wondered who could be checking up on my blog? It was guy, and I was a bit concerned.

With a little trepidation, I decided to click on the link to his blog to see who is following my blog. I started reading to discover who this fellow was. Reading the blog didn't help, except to learn that he likes coffee.

So, I looked at the list of blogs he likes. I found that he likes my friend, Jocelyn's blog, so I followed that link. I found that I haven't been to hers in a while, because she has a new, cool picture on it I haven't seen yet and posts I haven't read yet. And I found a link to her husband's blog. And what do you think I found?

The guy isn't a stranger at all. It's Sean, her husband. I imagine you are laughing by now, Sean and Jocelyn.

Now I have another blog to read. And I have to check out this follower thing.


J said...

So funny! Yes, we do indeed follow your blog. :-))

Anonymous said...

:) I am a man of mystery. Yeah I just decided to try the blogging thing so I am glad to have your and Matt/Clare’s as well. Following is fun. It basically keeps all the blog feeds on your dashboard so I can see all the blogs I like and what ones have been updated recently. I found that I was clicking through endless "favorites" all the time only to find that my fav blogs weren't updated. So, this is the best way to read your blog when I know it’s been updated! I liked the vaca chronicles, by the way. We're planning to take A on some camping adventures next summer, so you can read the hysteria that ensues on my blog next summer. For now we are hitting all the camping sales we can! We took her to a cabin this summer and she did smashingly.

Well, i don't want to blog in your blog. Hopefully we can all get together soon. A- can hold her own now, so E- will have a run for her money! They would have fun playing together.

Keep writing! We'll catch up with you soon.