Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It has been nearly two weeks since Ellie started her Potty Chart. She receives a star each time she uses the toilet and has dry pants. A girl at church whom Ellie has taken a liking to made a chart to help her get over this wetting her pants thing.

Ellie is to get at least one star each day and at least three stars five days in one week. She has done fairly well. I believe it is working. In addition to receiving stars when she is dry, she receives negative consequences when she is wet. I try to make them very negative and severe. So far she has lost reading/rocky time at nap or bedtime, she's eaten by herself, she's lost her music at nap time, and she gets a ten minute timeout, while sitting in her wet pants. She also is in charge of cleaning herself up after she wets. I will not help her. Once we were out of plastic pants, so I made her put a diaper on herself. No pull-ups, they are too easy.

She isn't doing too bad.

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