Thursday, September 18, 2008

This morning while Ellie was taking care of her potty business, she informed me that when she puts food in her belly, it comes out in her diaper. I made a mental note to remember what she said, because I thought that was worth writing down.

Today was the embryo transfer. I dropped Ellie at preschool, Josh at Pam's, and met Gary at home to drive down to Abington. When we arrived back home, I plopped myself on the couch and stayed there the rest of the day. I watched the last three episodes of season three of "Doctor Who," part of two movies (the children came home, so I had to switched what I was watching and just haven't finished either yet.) We had Taco Bell for dinner. Oh yes and there was an apple that Ellie gnawed on for a bit, then was passed to Josh to eat. And since he was saving us the touble of taking the core to the compost bin, he decided to eat that too. He left no waste.

Gary took care of everything, while I got a free pass to sit on the couch. I did a little more TV watching, while children were put to bed, then I fell asleep while listening to the Phillies and while Gary talked with his mother, woke up around 11:30, and then up to bed.

Phillies won, but the Mets did too. We have one embryo left.

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