Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Biking it

I broke out the bike pod (the name for the child trailer we have.) I biked with the kids in tow to church for MOPS. They are heavy to pull when the road isn't precisely flat. It is surprising how much I slow down when the road has the littlest hint of a hill. They enjoyed the ride far more then I did. And Ellie had the nerve to comment from her highness's carriage, that I was going too slow. I told her she could walk if she wanted.

In our hopes of some exercise and not using a gas-drinking-carbon-monoxide-emitting hunk of metal, we are going to try to use the bikes more. Ellie and Josh are all for that idea. They love being squished in the pod. But pulling them is challenge for me if hills are involved. If it's a family event, Gary pulls them.

Gary has biked to work. It's 3 miles and not to hard of a ride. Though he does look completely worn out when he gets home. Perhaps that will get better as he does it more often.

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