Wednesday, April 07, 2010

It's done

I was able to move up my crown lengthening "surgery." I have a sore tooth now, since I am finally able to feel again. Dr. K shot Novocaine on both sides of my tooth. It was numb for over 4 hours. My lip felt three sizes too big. I have a prescription for some Tylenol with a kick (codeine.) So far I haven't felt like I need it.

It was a bit disconcerting knowing he was carving out my tooth, not being able to feel the cuts, but feeling the pushing and such. He even used a drill. And then he goes sewing in there. I have stitches. And I have an oral bandage, kind of like silly putty stuck to my teeth. He didn't ask if I wanted to see his work, though. I would have said yes.

My instructions include not HOT foods for 12 hours, no spitting, no straws, and no chewing on that side.

I took pictures, but I can't get one that shows my tooth very well. Gary pointed to my tongue and asked "What is that?"

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