Monday, April 19, 2010

Keeping pace and being stupid

Weeds are a pain. So to keep up with them, I weeded the side flower bed along the fence. They can be the worst over there running wild. I also finally finished the spring planting. I got the dill seeds Gary saved from last year planted and planted horseradish root I picked up from a freecycler. And I moved a lonely little pansy plant that came up by itself but was getting overrun by the bleeding heart, to a hanging basket.

I have been faithful to my seeds in the garden and have been giving them water regularly. I am not letting my hard work or our bellies down this summer. I have not needed to weed the garden yet. Note I said yet. I fully anticipate those pesky things poking their annoying selves into my food.

Josh got himself good and dirty "helping" me weed. He more or less dug a hole and moved the dirt back and forth up and down the flower bed, trampling small plants as he went. I finally banned him from the flower bed. It wasn't really that much damage, since the plants in that bed are either bulb ones on their way out, or prolific, hardy things that can't really be destroyed.


On another note, I had a laundry mishap today. Since our kids are growing like weeds, they need new summer clothes. I got a bag of stuff for Josh from a freecycler, and we bought some from our favorite neighborhood secondhand store. It was a beautiful day so I thought I wash them all. I stupidly threw in Josh's shirt he spit out the fish oil onto. See where I'm going with this? I thought maybe I didn't need to treat it first, so I just added it to the load, not thinking about the fish oil part. Upon hanging said load to dry in the fresh air, my nose caught a whiff of not so fresh fish oil. I had to rewash half the load in Nature's Miracle (I still have some from the last fish oil mishap.) Thankfully some of the clothes made it through without catching the scent. And more made it through the second washing. Still need to do another washing. And probably another. Unfortunately, the clothes are soaking in my last bit of Nature's Miracle.

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