Friday, July 02, 2010

A day without kids is not

My friend was going to watch my cherubs while I got much accomplished today. But since her own little cherub has not been sleeping that well, she has not either. And since she is 7 months pregnant, it's wearing her down. So she requested no more little ones about. Completely I understand. Two wear me out, and I'm not pregnant nor sleep deprived. My new plan is to have Myrtle "babysit" from Indian with Skype, and maybe she or a sibling of hers will read to my children. I just need to ask her first. Hint, hint Myrtle.

So the tasks before me this day: first and foremost take the dog to the kennel. He was suppose to go to a friend's house, but Hunter wasn't playing nicely with his dog, so Hunter goes to a kennel.

Then I have to clean out the car so I can pack it, vacuum up all the dog hair, mop the kitchen, straighten the whole house, go to the library for audio material for the car ride, drop off some bills, and any other last minute stuff I forgot right now.

It should only take me a few hours.

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