Friday, July 16, 2010

Salad - straight from the garden

For dinner tonight I decided upon spaghetti, which turned into Wacky Mac, when opening the cupboard door did not reveal pasta of the long straight variety.

I also decided we should have a green vegetable, and thought I would venture into our jungle of a garden. Having been gone for a week and a half, it's gotten a little out of hand.

I left the house with my basket and Ellie scrambled to follow, with Josh not too far behind. They like going in the garden. Except right now the green beans I thought were bush green beans are growing up my gate, so I haven't tried wrestling it open. And the cucumbers are growing wildly all over the path right inside the gate. So I first just leaned over the fence and cut some lettuce. The kids wanted in, so I looked around for a good stop to enter and climbed over the fence. I helped direct Ellie in pulling some carrots. Out she went and in came Josh. He pulled a carrot. We pulled a few more. Then discovered two large cucumbers on all that vine and pulled them. Snipped a little basil, which I forgot to put in my sauce.

Here are our lovely finished salads. Josh and Ellie like theirs individualized. I make exceptions for that.

I wasn't as impressed with the salad as I hoped I'd be. I haven't met a homegrown carrot sweet enough for me. And the lettuce tasted a bit bitter too. The cucumbers tasted just fine, i just don't care that much for cucumbers, but since we grew them, I put them in the salad. I did however, mostly grow them for Gary to pickle. He much prefers cucumbers pickled.

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