Thursday, July 01, 2010

I've filled out the change of address form. I've called to set up trash service. Which by the way is seriously lacking in recycling services, as is there is none. We have to cart it all somewhere. I plan to get a whole bin system going when we get to the cabin.

And the biggest small change is we got a cell phone. It came today. And Gary is a happy camper, because we got to keep our home phone number. So you all don't need to memorize a new number, unless you want the cabin number. We are going from FiOS to DSL, but we will still have internet.

And even more tremendous about the phone is that the charger it came with a plug that has a USB port, so it can be charged using an outlet or a computer. Which means I can now charge my iPod using an outlet too! The little things that float my boat.

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