Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally . . .

. . . I am feeling better.

Gary's mom is visiting us this weekend. It's always nice to have family visit.

And today we went to Promised Land State Park for an outdoor adventure. We packed a lunch, and planned to hike a bit.

The sun went in by the time we got there, and it was colder and breezier there than at the cabin. We ate in the car.

Is spring on it's way?

We took a track finder booklet with us and hunted for animal tracks. On the way back from our hike we found some tracks. We think they were either bobcat or coyote. They were in the snow and did not have the best definition.

The kids were very excited to find tracks to look at.

And Ellie was most excited about her sleepover birthday party tonight. She bought a gift, wrapped it, and wrote in the card. She packed her bag and kept asking if it was time to go yet.

She barely remembered to say goodbye to me when I dropped her off at her friend's house.

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