Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My daughter was adorable tonight. We dressed her up as Pebbles. She helped hand out candy and helped herself as well. We had almost 200 trick-or-treaters.

As the evening progressed, E was getting restless. So while my mother monitored the candy, G and I walked our girl down one side of our block and back the other side. She had a grand time.

I was surprised that we really didn't have any more kids come much after 8:00 pm. That was alright, since we were getting low on candy. It was such a nice night out that we sat on our porch to hand out the candy. One kid was quite brazen and thought he'd take three pieces of candy. I immediately informed him that one piece was enough. He reluctantly put the two back and kept looking at me as he walked away. I suppose I could have let him have all three since we really didn't have many kids after him. There were some other opportunists that came by, trying to sneak more than on piece of candy. Instead of actually handing out the candy, we let the kids pick which piece they wanted.

Anyway, it was quite interesting to see so many kids walking down the streets. And some had parents who dressed up, too.