Saturday, November 04, 2006

Today's naptime was much the same as yesterday's naptime. Bed. Still awake - dirty diaper. Crib - still awake - dirty diaper. I may have tried the bed again, but I can't remember. I do remember that after I did get her up, and she kept keeping from getting things ready for my craft fair that evening, I stuck her back in her crib.

I had a table at a craft/vendor fair tonight. I was working diligently to get things ready for it. E kept getting into everything. I was already running late, so in the crib she went. She stayed there till my mom came to watch her for me. E wasn't happy about her situation.

My time at the fair was for naught - if you count the amount of business it brought me. None. Not a person signed up for my information or bought anything. I didn't even have that many people stop to look at what I had on the table. And maybe one person looked at one of the albums I spent time putting together. I did however get to work on two birthday presents. And it was a learning experience. An expensive learning experience.

I did get a bag of Entenmann's cookies out of the deal.

Oh yes, and did I mention that I am still very much ready to have my baby?