Friday, November 03, 2006

Today E's big girl bed came. G came home for lunch to set up her new bed. Let me tell you, the mattress is so thick, that the safety rail we got is almost ineffective. You can't just sit down on the bed, you have to hop on up. E was quite taken with it. She enjoyed laying on it. That is until naptime. The girl did not end up taking a nap. We tried, though. We went through the naptime routine, and I laid her in her new bed. An hour later, still wide awake, with a poopy diaper. I changed her and switched to the crib. Surely that would work, and she'd take a nap. Wrong. After another hour the girl was still not the least bit sleepy and had another dirty diaper. I just got her up at that point and even tried going for a drive. Still E's eyes stayed open.

Bedtime was different. My husband rocked her to sleep, then put her in her bed. She slept in it fine.