Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The children and I will not be heading to Pottstown today. Yes, Pottstown, not Norristown. The place in Norristown is not, from what I deduced from the lady I spoke with, an actual collection location. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about when I told her what I was trying to do. While she was trying to be helpful, she was not.

So I went to the plan of going to Pottstown. But there in lies my next issue. I thought I'd take a gander at the website of the recycling place in Pottstown.

Want to take a guess as to when they have public recycling hours? Tuesdays (yesterday) and Saturdays.

Although I am slightly annoyed that I missed the drop off yesterday, I am very glad I didn't drive over there to learn they are closed today.

Needless to say we are not going to Pottstown today, the stuff will remain in the car for three more days, and dad is picking up Hunter.

I am trying to be good steward and recycle everything I can. But when you have to drive 45 min. to do so, and use a fair spot of gas in the process, one might wonder if it's worth it.

I am going to scour my house for all things recyclable that we don't need or want. This place in Pottstown does take most anything. If you are searching for something to read, try going to their website (see above). They have quite the list of instructions on recycling.