She's oriented. Ellie enjoyed her hour today at school. She made a sunflower, drew a picture of herself (complete with teeth,) and decorated a large manila envelope with traces of her hands. She has a cubby for her supplies and a hook for her coat and bag. She took her new bike helmet for her show and tell about summer. Ellie also got to use the potty and was excited to see that there was an Ellie size sink available for her use. We read a story waiting for everyone to arrive (somehow we managed to arrive first,) and she played kitchen while we waited for everyone to finish their three projects. The teacher ended the hour with a story - The Night Before Kindergarten. She also reminded parents to send a healthy snack (you know, no sugary stuff) each day, than offered the children a piece of candy before they left, and informed them that they could have one each day when they left to go home. A little contradictory if you ask me. I made sure to let Ellie know she would not be getting a piece of candy everyday.
I think I feel more confident about letting Ellie ride the bus both ways sooner than I previously thought. Now I need to contact First Student about adding her to the bus route, since they haven't contacted me yet.
Josh's day wasn't so pleasant. He was in need of 6 non-regular diaper changes and a sore belly. He is currently napping and hasn't needed a change since around 2:00 pm. His little bottom is sore and needing a break. He also wanted much Mommy time and many hugs.
Gary had jury summons today but wasn't called for jury duty. He did however become more informed about household things. His reading material while waiting today - Mere Christianity, a word search book, and Heloise's Housekeeping Hints. Gary pointed out a way to make meals for a week to me already.